Raising Children Who Understand Money
One of my goals as a parent is to raise my children to be aware of the value of money and as they age to develop healthy financial habits. I have had friends ask my advice on this and have seen social media posts from parents of young children asking for input. The hardest part of this is just like everything else in parenting, you will need to find what works for your family and for your children or the children in your life. We are so excited we have become a Sammy Rabbit official partner and have been able to bring Sammy’s Dream Big story program to you! This is geared towards children ages 7-10 and is a storybook coloring book and activities to teach financial literacy.
Five Money Moves for Graduates
Graduation, the day you’ve worked towards for years. Once you walk across the stage (or should we say proverbial stage this year) and take that diploma a new stage of life begins. There will be many new decisions and actions ahead of you, but here are a few simple moves to take as you enter that next stage of life.
What does your 1040 tell you?
Before we dig into the “year in review,” we’d like to mention a provision that was written in to the CARES Act regarding Donations. Beginning in 2020, there will be an “above the line” charitable deduction (maximum $300) that you will be able to take, even if you don’t itemize. So, save your receipts this year, even if you don’t itemize, those donations will reduce your 2020 tax liability.
This week we would normally be seeing the tax deadline hit and the last minute rush of filers. With the deadline extended the filing season will be drawn out over three more months, but we still encourage you to finalize your return so you can plan accordingly for 2020. Once your return is done you should take time to review the returns and see what the numbers are telling you. Over my years of working with tax returns I have had way too many people tell me they just look to see if they have a refund or owe, sign the return, then stick it in their files. I challenge you not to be one of those individuals. Following are some items I like to look at when assisting with tax planning.
CARES Act Part 4 - Retirement and HSA Provisions
What is this?
Normally, if you are under the age of 59 ½ (unless an exception applies), you are subject to a 10% early withdrawal penalty from retirement distributions.
The CARES Act waives the 10% penalty for COVID-19 related distributions up to $100,000 from retirement plans (IF permitted by the plan) and IRAs.
The distribution IS still taxable, just the penalty is waived. This income, however, can spread out over 3-years.
The regulations also state that you can “make-up” these distributions over the next three years above and beyond your normal contribution limits.
NOTE: These are NOT considered hardship distributions, therefore the hardship rules do not apply
CARES Act Part 3 - Unemployment Benefits
Those who are unemployed or cannot work for coronavirus related reasons will be eligible for benefits under the new Cares Act passed on March 27, 2020.
CARES ACT Part 1 - Recovery Rebate
I started with this section because we feel it is important for our clients to know if they are or are not eligible for this rebate.
Over the weekend, I've noticed a great deal of confusion regarding this provision. Let's start with what it is.
Cares Act Part 2 - Small Business Provisions
With all of the closings that have been mandated as a result of COVID-19 along with requirements to stay in, many small business owners are worried about their operations. If you are a small business owner you are probably wondering how you are going to keep your business sustainable long term, provide for your employees, and provide for your own needs. Thankfully there has been a lot of legislation passed and the CARES act expanded and added benefits for small business owners. There is a lot of information out there so we wanted to summarize what these different benefits are, who qualifies, and what the effect is.
Women Rocking Business
March is women’s history month and we want to take some of our space this month to recognize that. I love working with small business owners so I wanted to share some thoughts on women as business owners. Rooted Planning Group is owned by women so this is certainly special to us.
What are the traits that help women succeed in business? I thought back on some conferences I’ve attended, drew on personal experience, and looked at our team to see how the ways we think or act differently can be beneficial.
Fresh Starts - How Health AND Wealth Planning Intersect
January is a time for fresh starts, resolutions, and goal setting. Resolutions notoriously fail so what can you do if you are heading into the New Year committed to making progress in your finances?
SECURE (Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement) Act of 2019
At the very end of 2019 the SECURE (Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement) Act of 2019 was signed into law. It gave this weeks blog author and Financial Planner, Amy Irvine, CFP®, EA, MPAS®, CCFC, flashbacks to the 2017 tax law changes that happened at the very end of the year. There are a lot of little nuggets in this Act, below is our interpretation of the Good, the Bad, and the Weird …
Financial Planning Strategies for Holiday Spending and Savings
It’s hard to believe that we are already in the holiday season. Christmas is just over a week away so in this week's Monday Morning Quarter-Buck, Financial Planner Becky Eason (who we affectionately call our budget queen) is going to give you a few tips to save money in the upcoming weeks.
How to Make the Holidays Full of Emotional Wealth
When I think about the holiday season I have many different emotions; excitement, stress, joy, overwhelm, sadness. However, as I get older and learn to cherish time more than anything, I realize that the Holidays are a very special time that should not be taken for granted and I do not want the negative emotions overshadow the positive emotions.
So this year I am choosing to do the following 3 things and encourage everyone to consider doing them also…
Medicare Part D - Parts and Pieces
In this weeks blog, Financial Planner Kerrie Beene, CFP® digs into the parts and pieces of Medicare Part D - Prescription Coverage.
Tips for a Low Stress Tax Season
As the end of 2019 quickly approaches, it’s time to start thinking about taxes. As we all know, tax season catches up with us very quickly with the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, and the recovery period in the weeks after the holidays.
Thrift Savings Plan: Military Retirement Plan
In light of the remembrance I thought today I’d discuss one of the benefits offered to our military members and federal government employees: the Thrift Savings Plan, or TSP. Keep in mind this is a brief overview of a system that can be complex.
Your Wealth, Your Health, and The ABCD’s of Medicare
In this weeks blog, Financial Planner Amy Irvine, CFP®, EA, MPAS®, CCFC explains (at a high level) the alphabet soup of Medicare A, B, C, D and the Supplemental Plans. There is real confusion (understandably) around all the options available.
Uncork Your Wealth - Discover the Difference Between HSA and FSA
The products available to us in the financial and healthcare industry can be confusing. So, with the use of Health Savings Accounts (HSA’s) and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA’s), we are combining the two worlds and this can be overwhelming when trying to pick a health care plan.
- 401k 3
- Amy Irvine 7
- Ann Arceo 2
- Becky Eason 3
- Benefits 6
- Budget 2
- Budgeting 7
- Business Owner 6
- Business Planning 5
- Caregiving 2
- Cash Flow 7
- College Graduate Finances 4
- College Planning 8
- College Savings 5
- Debt Management 5
- Disability Insurance 4
- Employee Benefits 6
- Estate Planning 5
- FIRE 2
- Finance 4
- Finances for Kids 2
- Financial Goals 12
- Financial Independence 2
- Financial Wellness 7
- Health Insurance 6
- Inexpensive Activities 1
- Insurance 3
- Investing 2
- Kate Welker 14
- Kerrie Beene 6
- Life Insurance 3
- Long-Term Care 2
- Medicare 2
- Quarter Buck 12
- Rachel Poe 1
- Retirement Planning 2
- Security 3
- Spending Plan 3
- Student Loan 3
- Student Loan Tips 5
- Student Loans 5
- Tax Planning 3
- Taxes 7