Career Coaching


Where does your money come from...Your career!

We often forget that we not only need coaching on financial basics, but we forget to get coaching on where the financial piece is generated!

Are you in need of Career Coaching?  I partner with Ray Giese,  CFP®, MS of Career and Financial Pathways to help you not only get the financial coaching on what to do with your resources, but how to build up your career to have more resources.  Even better, Ray provides coaching to both Adults and to Students.

Life Coach Resources

You might be thinking, why is life coaching on a financial planners resource page?  

Well, why are you building the resources?  It's about life!  What makes you happy overall?  If you don't know that, then it's hard to plan for the financial aspects.

The resources provided below are just that, resources.  We do not get compensated from these folks if you make the decision to work with one of them.  Many of them have been on the Wine and Dime podcast, so you can hop on over and listen to their journey to becoming a coach and determine if they are a good fit for you.

We wish you great wellness as a whole and we hope these resources help you discover your ideal life!  Once you click on these links, you will be taken directly to their website and your conversations with them are completely confidential between you and the coach..

Jane Springer

Weight-loss, Life and Styling Coach

I am here to be your guide and partner in moving you to the next level of self-confidence and self-assurance to realize the dreams that you have for your health and life.

Karen Creamer

RN, Author, Holistic Health Coach, and Speaker

My philosophy is simple:

  1. First, do no harm.

  2. Question everything!

  3. Trust yourself first.

The most common comment we hear…I wish I had started “this” earlier. Well, we agree, the earlier you start the better. How about as early as age 7?

We truly believe in “starting them young,” and have partnered with Sammy Rabbit to provide Financial Education for you and Kids, making it a fun family event. Really, who doesn’t like to color? So why not combine coloring with financial education?

Here’s what you need to get started:

  • Download this Deluxe Story Set

  • Gather Colored Pencils, Crayons, Water Colors, Markers, or whatever your kids use to add color to paper

  • Print a Few Pages a Day

  • Have Fun!

Here’s what you can expect:

The money habits, personal finance concepts and life skills learned will
help kids build a strong foundation to achieve economic freedom and
financial security. The knowledge acquired will better prepare children to
lead purpose-filled, rich lives and make their big dreams come true!

The Introductory Program’s 9 modules are:

  • Module 1. Read, Review and Discuss Sammy’s Big Dream!

  • Module 2. Great Habits Help Make Big Dreams Come True!

  • Module 3. Discover and Declare Your Dream

  • Module 4. Set Goals

  • Module 5. Have a Written Plan

  • Module 6. Save

  • Module 7. Earn

  • Module 8. Spend Smart

  • Module 9. Give Wisely

The approximate time of each module is 30 to 60 minutes. Throughout
the Program you will:

  • Use a variety of learning methods to interact with the subject
    matter and grow your knowledge. You will read, write, think
    analytically, communicate orally, color, draw, solve puzzles, listen, do
    arts and crafts.

  • Create a personal Dream Big Journal they can keep and add to

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

 “Death, taxes and childbirth! There's never any convenient time for any of them.” 
― Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the Wind

Confused about the new tax law? Watch this webinar recorded for the 2019 America Saves Week by Financial Planner Amy Irvine

Want to get organized? Download this organizer developed in connection with Fiscal Fitness Clubs.

We also prepared a much shorter data gathering checklist for you if you!