Raising Children Who Understand Money

One of my goals as a parent is to raise my children to be aware of the value of money and as they age to develop healthy financial habits. I have had friends ask my advice on this and have seen social media posts from parents of young children asking for input. The hardest part of this is just like everything else in parenting, you will need to find what works for your family and for your children or the children in your life. We are so excited we have become a Sammy Rabbit official partner and have been able to bring Sammy’s Dream Big story program to you! This is geared towards children ages 7-10 and is a storybook coloring book and activities to teach financial literacy.

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How to Make the Holidays Full of Emotional Wealth

When I think about the holiday season I have many different emotions; excitement, stress, joy, overwhelm, sadness.  However, as I get older and learn to cherish time more than anything, I realize that the Holidays are a very special time that should not be taken for granted and I do not want the negative emotions overshadow the positive emotions.  

So this year I am choosing to do the following 3 things and encourage everyone to consider doing them also…

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Build Your Wealth by Taking Advantage of Benefits Open Enrollment

In this week’s blog, Financial Planner Kate Welker, CFP® defines top benefit terms to help demystify some of the confusing benefit terms.

In the next few weeks, you may open your mail or email to see notices regarding open enrollment season through your employer. Open enrollment is a period of time you can make changes to your employee benefits options that are normally restricted. This is also a great time to review your entire benefits package and make any other adjustments as well. Let’s walk through a few options you may be looking at.

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What Issues Should I Consider for My Aging Parents

What Issues Should I Consider for My Aging Parents