Ann Arceo, Long-Term Care, Quarter Buck Guest User Ann Arceo, Long-Term Care, Quarter Buck Guest User

Tips for Taking Care of Yourself When You’re a Family Caregiver

November is National Family Caregivers Month! There are millions of heroes out there who provide care to their loved ones and their efforts are all too often overlooked. It’s not an easy job and the pressure caregivers put on themselves can be enormous. In honor of this important month, we’re outlining some steps you can take to take care of yourself emotionally and financially to make sure you can continue to provide great support to others.

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Quarter Buck Amy Irvine Quarter Buck Amy Irvine

Wife Appreciation Week

In this weeks edition of Monday Morning Quarter-Buck, financial planner Scott DuMond, CFP® shares his appreciation for his lovely wife Valerie. Scott doesn’t directly state this, but you can read between the lines on how much he buts a value on the work that his wife contributes to the household.

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Building a Plan to Relax, not React

Relaxation, the word sounds so happy and peaceful.  I recently saw that is was Relaxation Day on August 15th, and the thought of a day set aside for relaxation sounded great. Quiet, a good book, a comfy armchair, sunshine in a hammock, a massage, whatever your variety of relaxation the thought is sure to bring a smile to your face. I am a huge proponent of taking down time to recharge, but sometimes if you are dealing with stress it can be almost possible to relax. 

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Budgeting, Quarter Buck, Security Amy Irvine Budgeting, Quarter Buck, Security Amy Irvine

Fraud Protection and Simplifying Your Life

Did you know that this week is both fraud protection and simplify your life week? I don’t know about you, but I feel like this is a contradiction of terms. It seems that in order to protect myself from fraud, I have to create very complex passwords, wary of whom my information is going to, and often increasing the complexity of my life. In this weeks edition of Monday Morning Quarter-Buck, Financial Planner Becky Eason (aka Partridge) discusses how marry these two concepts.

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Budgeting, Quarter Buck Amy Irvine Budgeting, Quarter Buck Amy Irvine

Living the "Happy Money" Life

In this week's edition of Monday Morning Quarter-Buck, Financial Planner and CFP® Will Morrison discusses the journey to find happiness, the science of “happier spending,” and how he’s implementing it in his life. Perhaps he will give you ideas on how to implement it into your life?

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What Issues Should I Consider for My Aging Parents

What Issues Should I Consider for My Aging Parents