Debt Management Kate Welker Debt Management Kate Welker

Making a Plan to Tackle Debt

By: Kate Welker, CFP® However the debt came about, the result of too many payments and growing balances is often anxiety, stress, feelings of frustration, and general barriers to building your wealth. It can be overwhelming when you don’t know where to start or you feel like you are trying, but just not making progress. Our goal is to help you understand that you can get committed to making a change and developing a plan to reduce your debt.

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Debt Management Rebekah Eason Debt Management Rebekah Eason

Holiday Cash for Students

By: Becky Eason, CFP®

The holidays are upon us and although 2020 isn’t a traditional year people are still getting into the holiday spirits. Gifts have become a huge part of the holidays, which we all know can add a lot of additional stress. This year there is the added stress of what is the best way to get gifts to loved ones? Shipping can be expensive and you risk packages getting delayed, lost, or broken so I wouldn’t be surprised to see more monetary gifts be given.

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What Issues Should I Consider for My Aging Parents