Build Your Wealth by Taking Advantage of Benefits Open Enrollment
In this week’s blog, Financial Planner Kate Welker, CFP® defines top benefit terms to help demystify some of the confusing benefit terms.
In the next few weeks, you may open your mail or email to see notices regarding open enrollment season through your employer. Open enrollment is a period of time you can make changes to your employee benefits options that are normally restricted. This is also a great time to review your entire benefits package and make any other adjustments as well. Let’s walk through a few options you may be looking at.
10 Essential College Selection Criteria Most Students Ignore
In this week’s blog, Financial Planner and Financial Wellness Coach, Amy Irvine, CFP®, EA, MPAS®, CCFC digs into selection criteria often overlooked when selecting a college.
Wife Appreciation Week
In this weeks edition of Monday Morning Quarter-Buck, financial planner Scott DuMond, CFP® shares his appreciation for his lovely wife Valerie. Scott doesn’t directly state this, but you can read between the lines on how much he buts a value on the work that his wife contributes to the household.
Assisted Living - Caring for Family and Friends
We all love our friends and family and want to make them as happy as possible. If you were to ask your friends and family what one of their hopes/wishes in life would be, it’s safe to assume that they would respond with being able to remain at home or at least out of a nursing home for as long as possible.
Peripheral Vision - A Wealth Strategy?
As a starting point to growing your wealth, take a deep breath, sit back for a few minutes and explore these three questions in a journey to discovering your money mindset.
Building a Plan to Relax, not React
Relaxation, the word sounds so happy and peaceful. I recently saw that is was Relaxation Day on August 15th, and the thought of a day set aside for relaxation sounded great. Quiet, a good book, a comfy armchair, sunshine in a hammock, a massage, whatever your variety of relaxation the thought is sure to bring a smile to your face. I am a huge proponent of taking down time to recharge, but sometimes if you are dealing with stress it can be almost possible to relax.
Financial Planning Strategies: Do You Have the Big 3?
In this weeks edition of Monday Morning Quarter-Buck, Financial Planner and CFP® Scott DuMond writes about the potential financial blind spots that we sometimes have in our lives. Do you have the Big 3 covered in your life?
When driving a car, we know to check our blind spot before we switch lanes, or we could end up in an accident that we didn’t even see coming. Experience has taught us drivers that in addition to checking our mirrors we need to take an additional action, turning our heads because there could be a car hidden in the next lane that we cannot see by just using our mirrors.
Fraud Protection and Simplifying Your Life
Did you know that this week is both fraud protection and simplify your life week? I don’t know about you, but I feel like this is a contradiction of terms. It seems that in order to protect myself from fraud, I have to create very complex passwords, wary of whom my information is going to, and often increasing the complexity of my life. In this weeks edition of Monday Morning Quarter-Buck, Financial Planner Becky Eason (aka Partridge) discusses how marry these two concepts.
Living the "Happy Money" Life
In this week's edition of Monday Morning Quarter-Buck, Financial Planner and CFP® Will Morrison discusses the journey to find happiness, the science of “happier spending,” and how he’s implementing it in his life. Perhaps he will give you ideas on how to implement it into your life?
3 Things to keep your Money "In Control"
In this weeks edition of Monday Morning Quarter-Buck, Financial Planner Kerrie Beene, CFP® discussed building wealth by keeping your spending “in control.” We all have busy lives and often do the “next thing” that is needed without realizing how much that is actually costing us.
Summer in the Park - Life is About Events, Supported by Your Dollars and Cents
New York State has incredible natural beauty and the park system has really tapped into this. If you are not familiar with our area we have everything from gorges and lakes to mountains. There are 180 state parks in NY!
Lessons from a Financial Planner: 6 Lessons in 6 Months
I've decided to step outside my comfort zone this week and share the top six financial planning lessons I've learned in the past six months.
Comparing is Dangerous
A Spoonful of Medicine
Too Much On Your Plate
The Benefits of Confidence
Coaching a Coach
Asking for Help
3 Financial Planning Tips from a Self-Help Junkie
I am a self-help junkie. I love reading self-help books, listening to podcasts, watching you-tube videos, and following a lot of influencers on social media. I could write a really long post telling you all about some of the great things I have learned and things that have changed my life for the better. But instead, I want to list 3 of the biggest things that have truly helped me change for the better.
The Intersection of Vegetables and Finance
Time to talk about getting vegetables on a budget!
FAFSA Planning for Business Owners
One of the big steps in the college process is filling out the FAFSA form and working that to your advantage.
Financial Planning Strategies: “Improvements” to Retirement Planning
The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed the “Secure Act” legislation and it’s widely expected to move forward in the Senate. In part, the legislation’s purpose is to make it easier for employers to offer 401ks to their employees and to let workers guarantee how much income their retirement savings will produce by using their assets to purchase annuities. It removes the IRA age limitation and increases the RMD age to 72.
Financial Planning Strategies: Three Tips for New Graduates
First things first, congratulations to all of the recent college graduates! It is such an incredible achievement to have put in time and effort over the past 2 to 4 years and finally being in a position to step into the workforce. Here are a few quick tips for your next few years as you spread your wings and begin to soar into your career.
- 401k 3
- Amy Irvine 7
- Ann Arceo 2
- Becky Eason 3
- Benefits 6
- Budget 2
- Budgeting 7
- Business Owner 6
- Business Planning 5
- Caregiving 2
- Cash Flow 7
- College Graduate Finances 4
- College Planning 8
- College Savings 5
- Debt Management 5
- Disability Insurance 4
- Employee Benefits 6
- Estate Planning 5
- FIRE 2
- Finance 4
- Finances for Kids 2
- Financial Goals 12
- Financial Independence 2
- Financial Wellness 7
- Health Insurance 6
- Inexpensive Activities 1
- Insurance 3
- Investing 2
- Kate Welker 14
- Kerrie Beene 6
- Life Insurance 3
- Long-Term Care 2
- Medicare 2
- Quarter Buck 12
- Rachel Poe 1
- Retirement Planning 2
- Security 3
- Spending Plan 3
- Student Loan 3
- Student Loan Tips 5
- Student Loans 5
- Tax Planning 3
- Taxes 7