Rachel Poe, Caregiving Guest User Rachel Poe, Caregiving Guest User

Long Distance Caregiving

Some caregiving situations require the services of a long distance caregiver. According to the National Institute of Aging, a long distance caregiver is someone that lives an hour or more away from a person who needs aid.

What are some of the roles of a long distance caregiver? Depending on the relationship, some duties may include home care, money management, medical correspondence with professionals, legal paperwork, medicinal disbursement, emotional support, family informant, etc.

By: Rachel Poe

Some caregiving situations require the services of a long distance caregiver. According to the National Institute of Aging, a long distance caregiver is someone that lives an hour or more away from a person who needs aid. 

What are some of the roles of a long distance caregiver? Depending on the relationship, some duties may include home care, money management, medical correspondence with professionals, legal paperwork, medicinal disbursement, emotional support, family informant, etc. 

Having recently been the daughter of a long distance caregiver, I received some recommendations and advice for anyone that may be starting or struggling with the process of long distance support. These can be used by both long distance and nearby caregivers!

  1. Learn the health issues that you are caring for. While medical professionals have been well trained, it is important to do your fair share of research to understand emergency situations, possible side effects, signs of medical progressions, and terminology so you can articulate to someone about their needs. Organizations like the Red Cross (and others) offer classes that may be able to help educate on some care procedures, first aid, emergency actions, or health diagnosis information.

  2. Gain knowledge or access to personal accounts. While this may depend on your relation or position with this person, it is critical to gather an idea of their estate preparation, lists of bills and subscriptions, set up dual authorization on accounts, and ensure their accounts remain in good standing. 

    • For example, if you are the caregiver to someone who can no longer drive, this should be a flag to revisit insurances, car payments, radio or toll subscriptions, etc. 

  3. Create a contact list! This is important for both yourself and the individual you are assisting. Keeping a proper record in phones, on the fridge, on the door, etc. can be a time and stress saver if a specific person or company is needed. Likewise, keep a calendar specific to your person’s schedule! This can include appointments, visiting days, deliveries, due dates, payments, medicinal reminders, etc. 

  4. Because caregiving may be required from out of state, it is a good idea to get to know the community, neighbors, doctors, etc. within the area of your person. Many older individuals remain in their location due to having an emotional attachment or living in the same house for years. Identify those that interact with your relative on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Again, get and share contact information, ask them to glance at the lawn, see if the car has moved, lights are changing in the house, etc. 

  5. In addition to #4 - find ways to be present even though you are not physically present with a person. Ways to do this include connecting them with family members and close friends through basic social media. Invest in something like a GrandPad or IPad that allows simple communication and keeps them involved in information and with family.

    • I have personal experience with a GrandPad and they are a great tool for keeping communication simple, easy, and efficient. 

  6. Set up a visiting schedule with your person; put in on their calendar. This not only gives them reliability and a schedule, but also gives them something to look forward to. In addition, create time blocks on your calendar to call them throughout the periods that you are not visiting. 

    • For example - if you visit them monthly for a week at a time, use those other three weeks in the month to call “x times” a week to check in. 

  7. Take advantage of services! Do not feel like you have to do it ALL! Take a look at your budget and the budget of whom you are caring for. Do they have any recurring services in place that can help? Lawn? Cleaning? Pet Walker? Is there an opportunity for pre-made meal delivery? Discuss these things! This can also go hand in hand to your community outreach in #4. Delegating or hiring out those monthly duties listed can not only be a time saver, but will also allow you to spend quality time for the period you are visiting. 

    • Resources: (This is not an all encompassing list, but merely some ideas to get you thinking of some services near you!)

      1. Hello Fresh - food delivery

      2. Home Chef - food delivery

      3. Schwans - food delivery

      4. - pet walkers

      5. Angie’s List - repairs, maintenance, lawn

      6. - cleaning, general care, errands

While every caregiving situation is unique, it is important to grasp that you are not alone. Hopefully some of these tips have resonated with you; feel free to reach out to us if there are additional recommendations we can add. Above all, seek out your family, community, government, and local resources to see how you and your loved ones can increase support for your needs.

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Ann Arceo, Long-Term Care, Quarter Buck Guest User Ann Arceo, Long-Term Care, Quarter Buck Guest User

Tips for Taking Care of Yourself When You’re a Family Caregiver

November is National Family Caregivers Month! There are millions of heroes out there who provide care to their loved ones and their efforts are all too often overlooked. It’s not an easy job and the pressure caregivers put on themselves can be enormous. In honor of this important month, we’re outlining some steps you can take to take care of yourself emotionally and financially to make sure you can continue to provide great support to others.

By: Ann Arceo, AAMS®

November is National Family Caregivers Month! There are millions of heroes out there who provide care to their loved ones and their efforts are all too often overlooked. It’s not an easy job and the pressure caregivers put on themselves can be enormous. In honor of this important month, we’re outlining some steps you can take to take care of yourself emotionally and financially to make sure you can continue to provide great support to others. 

It’s Okay to Need a Break

There is no denying that being a family caregiver can be difficult and emotional. It's easy to fall into a trap of putting your own needs last, but how can you continue to be the best caregiver if you don’t also take care of your own mental and physical health? No one can do a job all the time without needing breaks to recharge. Think about the activities that would be most meaningful to you such as going to the gym, meeting up with friends, attending to personal chores and doctor’s appointments. You may feel guilty about wanting breaks, but it can be beneficial for your loved one as well as it gives them a chance to interact with someone new and have a change of scenery or routine. 

You can start by enlisting family and friends to help. Be specific with the help you need. CareGiver Action Network has an article that can assist you with “Defining the Help You Need.” It might be that you need half a day each month to attend to personal chores or maybe an out of town relative can come for a visit allowing you to take a vacation. Make a list of the care and chores you provide (mowing the lawn, cleaning, cooking, attending doctor’s appointments) and think about the ones that are the most difficult for you. This will help you find outside services such as Meals on Wheels or friends and family that can pitch in. Each state has an agency that lists the resources available for aging and disabled adults (Local Agency on Aging).

We know not everyone will have family and friends they can ask for help. There are also many services that provide respite care (in-home help, adult daycare) to give you a much needed break. ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center is a wonderful tool that can help you find care assistance in your area. The website also discusses how to pay for respite care through state or federal programs such as Medicaid if your loved one qualifies. There are also volunteer organizations that offer free assistance. ElderHelp can help you find local volunteers. You may also want to check with your church as there are many faith based organizations that offer volunteer help. 

Talk to Someone

Being a caregiver for a loved one can certainly be rewarding, but if you aren’t careful to tend to your needs, it can also increase your risk of depression. “A report from the Family Caregiver Alliance found that 40%-70% of caregivers have symptoms of depression.” Certainly, following the steps above to give yourself breaks to recharge can be a huge help in boosting your own quality of life. Also, joining a support group or speaking to a therapist can help you cope with the demands of providing care. You can also talk to your doctor as they can offer advice for treatment or therapy if you are dealing with depression. 

There is no shame in acknowledging that you need support. Joining a group of other caregivers either in-person or online gives you the chance to connect with others who will understand the challenges and emotions involved in being a caregiver. This article lists several support groups so you can find the one that best matches your situation: 23 Popular Online and In-person Caregiver Support Groups

Take Charge & Plan For Your Own Financial & Long Term Care Goals

It’s understandable that in the middle of all that you have going on that it’s hard to think about planning for your financial future and possible long-term care needs. Remember that long-term care planning puts you in charge of your future and is a gift to your loved ones as they’ll have a clear idea of your wishes. Also, as you may know from your own experience as a caregiver, government programs can be limited when it comes to paying for long term care. That’s why it’s crucial to have a financial plan and explore options such as long term care insurance. It’s also important to meet with an estate planning attorney to make sure you have the proper documents in place including a Medical Power of Attorney. 

You know as a caregiver that there are lots of additional practical details to consider. If you decide to stay in your home, how will you deal with stairs, home maintenance, and cleaning?  The American Academy of Family Physicians Foundation has a list of resources that can help you think through the details and start a conversation with your family.   AARP has a detailed workbook that can help you build your own long term care plan. The process of making a plan and having those difficult conversations with family members isn’t easy. However, the peace of mind that comes with knowing you have a plan, and you’ve taken some of the burden off your loved ones is worth it.  

Caregivers certainly make our world a better place with their love, compassion, and patience, but even superheroes need a break.  We hope that as we celebrate you this month, you can use the resources and tools listed above to prioritize your needs, plan your future, and find a support network who will be there with you on your journey. 

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Amy Irvine, Cash Flow, Kerrie Beene Amy Irvine Amy Irvine, Cash Flow, Kerrie Beene Amy Irvine

CARES Act Part 3 - Unemployment Benefits

Those who are unemployed or cannot work for coronavirus related reasons will be eligible for benefits under the new Cares Act passed on March 27, 2020.

By Kerrie Beene, CFP® and Amy Irvine, CFP®, EA, MPAS®, CCFC 

Those who are unemployed or cannot work for coronavirus related reasons will be eligible for benefits under the new Cares Act passed on March 27, 2020. 

What is Unemployment?

There are several terms being passed around that all meet the qualifying definition:

  1. Termination of employment

  2. Layoff

  3. Furlough

Who qualifies for the Pandemic Unemployment Insurance?

There are 3 qualifications that must be met

  1. Ineligible for any other state or federal unemployment benefits

  2. Unemployed, partially unemployed, or cannot work due to the COVID-19 public health emergency

  3. Cannot tele-work or receive paid leave

  4. Self-Employed individuals who have had to “close their doors” and are unable to qualify for the small business loans offered through the CARES Act

This will include employees who have tested positive for the corona-virus, as well as, those who must leave their job to provide full time care for a family member or other relative but do not have access to paid leave benefits. 

The new law has 2 approaches to assist the normal state-based unemployment programs:

  1. A pandemic unemployment assistance program which matches the normal state unemployment rate plus $600 for unemployed workers who would not normally be eligible 

  2. An extension of unemployment compensation by 13 weeks beyond the eligibility time states provide under current law

Differences from Regular Unemployment Benefits

Includes workers who are:

  • Self-Employed

  • Independent Contractors

  • Gig Economy Workers

  • Those who do not have sufficient work history to qualify for regular benefits

Waiting Periods:

States normally have a one week waiting period and there is now federal financing for states without the waiting period.

Benefit Amounts and Time Frame

The amount varies by state, is subject to a minimum, and is increased by $600 from the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation Program.  

Unemployment benefits are based on prior wages, often on the last 4 quarters. 

If you are already receiving benefits at the state level, the $600 weekly increase will be provided as a supplement.  

Self employed workers will have to have proper work and pay documentation. The benefit amount will be calculated using a formula from the Disaster Unemployment Assistance Program.

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Quarter Buck, Security Amy Irvine Quarter Buck, Security Amy Irvine

Assisted Living - Caring for Family and Friends

We all love our friends and family and want to make them as happy as possible. If you were to ask your friends and family what one of their hopes/wishes in life would be, it’s safe to assume that they would respond with being able to remain at home or at least out of a nursing home for as long as possible. 

In this weeks edition of Morning Quarter-Buck, financial planner Becky Eason discusses a topic that is near and dear to her heart, as well as many of us who are faced with the decision of balancing the safety of our loved ones, with their emotional desire to stay at home.

By: Becky Eason

We all love our friends and family and want to make them as happy as possible. If you were to ask your friends and family what one of their hopes/wishes in life would be, it’s safe to assume that they would respond with being able to remain at home or at least out of a nursing home for as long as possible. 

Being able to fulfill the goal of keeping loved ones out of the nursing home for as long as possible can be challenging. I know exactly how challenging this can be, as I’ve been witnessing it firsthand with the efforts my parents have been going through with my grandparents. If you aren’t able to provide the care that is needed due to time or resource constraints, there are many programs available to help assist you. In Steuben County, New York for instance, there is a wonderful program available, Forward-Thinking Home Solutions. You may recognize this name from one of Amy’s Wine and Dime Podcasts where Amy interviewed the founder of Forward-Thinking, Sue Gruber. Sue will go into someone's home and make recommendations on what changes should be made to help keep your loved one living safely at home. She will also provide you with available resources and grants that you can apply for to help fund the necessary changes. If you don’t live in Steuben County don’t feel left out. There are programs all over the country that are there to support you. One such program that is available nationwide, is Meals on Wheels, which provides meals to individuals who are unable to prepare their own meals.

Maybe you aren’t able to keep your loved one at home but they aren’t yet ready for a nursing home. Your loved one might be able to go into an assisted living home. These homes provide a more independent lifestyle than a nursing home, but there are still staff members around at all times to help. Services that are provided at assisted living homes include meals, medication monitoring, personal care assistance, social activities, and housekeeping/laundry. 

Unfortunately, there will likely come a point when you must make the difficult decision to put your loved one in a nursing home. When you get to the point of having to make this decision it will very likely be emotional and you will question whether you made the right decision. If you are faced with this emotion, know that you aren’t alone and remind yourself that you did it for the safety of your loved one and those around you. 

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