New York State has incredible natural beauty and the park system has really tapped into this. If you are not familiar with our area we have everything from gorges and lakes to mountains. There are 180 state parks in NY!
Lessons from a Financial Planner: 6 Lessons in 6 Months
3 Financial Planning Tips from a Self-Help Junkie
I am a self-help junkie. I love reading self-help books, listening to podcasts, watching you-tube videos, and following a lot of influencers on social media. I could write a really long post telling you all about some of the great things I have learned and things that have changed my life for the better. But instead, I want to list 3 of the biggest things that have truly helped me change for the better.
The Intersection of Vegetables and Finance
FAFSA Planning for Business Owners
Financial Planning Strategies: “Improvements” to Retirement Planning
The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed the “Secure Act” legislation and it’s widely expected to move forward in the Senate. In part, the legislation’s purpose is to make it easier for employers to offer 401ks to their employees and to let workers guarantee how much income their retirement savings will produce by using their assets to purchase annuities. It removes the IRA age limitation and increases the RMD age to 72.
A Tip to Minimize Student Loans
High school graduation time is upon us! If you receive cash gifts for graduation consider using a portion of that money to directly pay for some college expenses. This will help reduce the amount of student loans you need to take out, saving you money in the long run.
Financial Planning Strategies: Three Tips for New Graduates
First things first, congratulations to all of the recent college graduates! It is such an incredible achievement to have put in time and effort over the past 2 to 4 years and finally being in a position to step into the workforce. Here are a few quick tips for your next few years as you spread your wings and begin to soar into your career.
Current Balance vs Payoff Amount
When you make your final student loan payment find out what the payoff amount is. The current balance shown on your account and the payoff amount are usually different as a result of fees and interest. Once you make the final payment save the receipt confirming your loan has been paid off. The month after your final payment has been made login to your student loan account to confirm that your balance is still $0. This will reduce the chance of having any outstanding balance that could result in delinquent payments.
Monday Morning Quarter-Buck: A Gift for Grads
Congratulations to all the college graduates and their families!
We know last weekend was a big event in your family and we want to provide a gift that helps college grads jump into the “real world” with a solid financial foundation. That’s part of why we created our "Untangle Your Roots" Series. This program is $30 per month for 12 months and it offers a variety of information and education to help the recent graduate get financially fit. Each month, the participant will complete another task on the road to success.
In addition, we have something different for the blog this week: With the Indy 500 approaching, we thought it would be fun to put together a quiz about both the Indy 500 and the S&P 500.
We hope you enjoy this week’s fun trivia: