Financial Goals Kate Welker Financial Goals Kate Welker

Reflecting on the Positives in an Unusual Year

By Kate Welker, CFP®

Can we all agree this year has just been weird? As we head into the end of the year and the holidays it is a natural time of reflection and a slower pace and I believe we all need to embrace that, especially this year. Our holiday celebrations look a little different than in the past. Many of our readers will not be able to see their family, may be struggling financially, or may just be overwhelmed with the changes we have seen. Along with all the craziness and negatives that the world is focused on, there have been positive opportunities this year! I want to encourage you to think back on the year and find the positive moments that might not have happened if we hadn’t been in a global pandemic. Regarding your finances I want you to look back at the year, and decide how you want to move forward.

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Building a Plan to Relax, not React

Relaxation, the word sounds so happy and peaceful.  I recently saw that is was Relaxation Day on August 15th, and the thought of a day set aside for relaxation sounded great. Quiet, a good book, a comfy armchair, sunshine in a hammock, a massage, whatever your variety of relaxation the thought is sure to bring a smile to your face. I am a huge proponent of taking down time to recharge, but sometimes if you are dealing with stress it can be almost possible to relax. 

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