It's That Time! Employee Benefits and More

By Kate Welker, CFP®

This month we want to continue to remind our readers that it will soon be open enrollment through your employer and Medicare, the time of year you are able to review and change your health insurance and other benefits.

There are several posts on our blog that cover this topic more in depth:

By  Kate Welker, CFP®

This month we want to continue to remind our readers that it will soon be open enrollment through your employer and Medicare, the time of year you are able to review and change your health insurance and other benefits. 

There are several posts on our blog that cover this topic more in depth:

While you are taking the time to review your employee benefits it is also a good time to tackle several other employment related tasks.

  • Beneficiary Review- We recommend that you review your beneficiary designations once a year on all of your accounts. Those tied to your employment would be your retirement accounts (Pension, 401(k), 403(b), etc) and any life insurance benefits.

  • Benefit Package - If you have a position that comes with flexibility in negotiating additional benefits such as bonus payouts or additional time off, this would be a time to review your performance and approach your supervisor. 

  • Salary Benchmarking - It is a good practice to occasionally review your salary for your position and duties. Compare what your compensation is against others in your industry and in your geographical area. If your research shows you are underpaid this would again be another time to approach your supervisor for a discussion. To research this you could use sites such as or

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