Finding Ways to Save for College
It is again the back to school season. Preschool through college school will look different for students this year, but one thing is the same. The changing of the year, feeling of a fresh start, and thinking about the future year ahead. For older students we are discussing college plans and for those of you with young children you may be thinking about planning for your children's eventual college. With a growing student loan debt load in this country how to pay for college is a concern we like to address. I wanted to share some thoughts on a few unique ways to think about saving for education.
Childcare Expenses- If you are paying for daycare or after school programs this is a large expense you are already budgeting for and handling with your current income. Once your children are old enough to not need that expense, convert it and start putting that same amount into their college savings. Depending on the age of children and area you live most people are paying between $8,000 and $15,000 a year for daycare. As that number decreases and then goes away that is a large amount to be contributing each year.
Side hustle- I've had a few friends recently start a small business on the side and nickname them "college fund" jobs. They are committing to putting all of the earnings from this new venture into college savings.
Scholarships- This is a huge opportunity for your student to start earning funds for their education. This takes time and diligence on their part, but starting in their freshman year have them look for these opportunities. Have them search out competitions that focus around their strengths such as writing, debate, or technology.
Saving on College- Combined with saving for college consider ways to save ON college expenses. Being aware in advance of the full expenses of an institution along with the scholarship and aid available should make a major impact on your choice of where to attend. If there are scholarships available for a particular GPA or test score that is a goal to work towards.
There are many other creative ways to fund that education goal. We enjoy working with our clients to find their solution. Once your child is in high school (9th grade is not too early!) we offer college planning services and in depth analysis that will compare college costs, grants available, and the total net cost. Contact us for a consultation!