Recognize Your Buffering with Jane Springer (Pt 2)
Welcome back Strong Roots Listeners! In this episode of Strong Roots, my guest, Jane Springer and I continue our talk about buffering. If you haven’t listened to the last episode on this topic, I suggest you take a listen to that one as well Click Here to listen. Buffering, by definition, is the protection against stressful experiences that is afforded by an individual's social support. During this podcast we talk about buffering behaviors that have negative consequences, such as eating when stressed or watching to much Netflix/TV. Jane and I talk about recognizing those behaviors to help curb those behaviors and how recognizing them could help you develop new neural pathways to combat those bad habits.
Jane Springer
If you have the desire to embrace a new, confident attitude, transform how you present yourself to the world, and live a healthy, energized way of life at the weight you dream about, I’m here to help you make that happen…
Hi, I’m Jane Springer and I can help you get from where you are now to where you want to go in your life and your health, so that you can feel strong, energetic, beautiful, and in control of your life.