Energy Healing with Isabel Restrepo

In this episode of Wine and Dime, we want to welcome Isabel Restrepo.  Isabel was originally from Columbia, South America moved to Minnesota, and ended up in Los Angeles  Her journey has been a windy road that has led her to what is called an energy healer.  Isabel launched her new business and is now building that business on helping others recover from a loss of energy. Have you ever felt just worn out and can't figure out what's going on with you?  Well, that's Isabel's super power, as I call it.  She really likes to work with people who just feel drained, and need help regaining that energy! 

We hope that you enjoy this episode. I think you're gonna find some amazing tidbits in it.  So grab your favorite beverage, sit on back and sip away.

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Isabel Restrepo

Hello! I’m so happy you’ve made it here, welcome! My name is Isabel. I help women of color prioritize themselves through connecting with their emotional needs so they can live a life full of freedom.

You see, from a young age I’ve had the ability to feel deeply, and to see the good in things. Like a match that’s been lit, no matter how big and dark the cave it may be in, the light can always be seen. I’d love to say that this is something I understood from a young age, but the truth is it’s taken some time for me to be able to see my empathic ability as a gift and as my greatest power. My birthplace and roots are in Medellin, Colombia and at the age of seven we moved to the US and took residence in Minnesota. I grew up in a duality of worlds with mixed messages about my race, worth, value, opportunities, and what it means to be a woman.

Through all of this, I’ve come to see that a theme in my life has been the ability to build and rebuild, continuing to dig deeper and deeper into the layers of my own self. After graduating from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities with a double major in Communication Studies and Psychology and a minor in Spanish, the 2009 recession hit. So I decided to continue my studies at New York University where I obtained my Master’s in Media, Culture, and Communication. I didn’t know that some of the biggest transformations would stem from this beautiful city known as the big apple. I worked at major companies including Banco Santander, Telemundo, and NBCUniversal. I had major successes, yet no matter how much ‘fun’ I was having with alcohol, burnout, and toxic relationships it always felt like something was missing. That’s when I bought a one way ticket to India. I was trying to search for answers outside of myself, not realizing that what I was learning were tools to be able to look deep inside. I dove into the magical wisdom of the country and received my 200hour Yoga Alliance yoga teacher certificate. I ventured into a 10 day silent Vipassana retreat. A few months later, I went back to my roots and connected with the spirit of yajé, also known as Ayahuasca. An experience that is not for the faint of heart yet allowed me to connect to ancient wisdom beyond the realms of this reality.

For the years that followed I tried to take these new tools into my “work life” leading me to move to Los Angeles and join YouTube. I tried to live a double life where I worked full time as a high achieving professional during the day and in my free time fed my heart by diving into different healing modalities. These modalities include, Transpersonal Spiritual Counseling, Human Design, getting into the body, Reiki, meditation, Craniosacral, Raindrop Technique, Tarot, shadow work, manifestation, inner child work, dynamic meditation, therapy, Elemental Magick, and the list goes on. I was ignoring that part of me that so desperately wanted to be in the depths of the heart as my work. I realized that as much as I liked to be a strong independent woman, I didn’t have to navigate these changes alone. The process of stripping away the layers of expectations I’ve put on myself and others to do it all on our own has been incredibly humbling. I’ve met the most beautiful teachers along the way that have created space for me to allow myself to fully embrace all of the parts that make me me. To truly follow my heart’s desire, allow those desires to evolve, and embrace my fire within.

As a Projector in Human Design, I am here to guide and am literally designed to deeply see and understand other people. I love to hold space for women who are committed to their growth, so they can shed the layers that have been weighing them down, light their own match within the cave, gain clarity on what human experiences their heart truly longs for, and live their life filled with freedom.

I invite you to watch the video “Connecting Through Stories” to learn more about my story.


Cabernet Sauvignon

ARIEL oak-aged Cabernet Sauvignon offers aromas of black currants, cherry, blueberries and chocolate, with soft tannins and a dry finish.

Try this with manchego, carne asada, Texas chili, wood-fired pizza.

Less than 0.5% alcohol by volume / 52 calories per 8 oz. serving


The Seneca Lake Wine Trail