Money Roots: A New Direction for Wine and Dime

Welcome to the final edition of Wine and Dime for 2023! As we wrap up the year, I am thrilled to have the whole team here today to share our favorite financial tips. But before we dive into that, I want to make a special announcement. In 2024, we will be rebranding the podcast as Money Roots. This exciting change will bring a fresh perspective and allow us to explore a wider range of topics related to personal finance. So, stay tuned for an even more engaging and informative podcast next year!

Now, let's get back to the main focus of today's episode. Each member of our team will be sharing their one financial tip that they hope you will take with you into 2024. These tips are not only applicable to your finances but can also be applied to various aspects of your life. So, without further ado, let's hear from our team!

Key Takeaways:

  • Discipline is freedom: Applying discipline to all areas of life, including finances, can lead to a sense of freedom and progress.

  • Start small: Taking small steps towards financial goals can build discipline and lead to long-term success.

  • Reflect on joy: Reflecting on what brings joy and setting intentions to continue those experiences can enhance overall well-being.

  • Let go of past mistakes: Dwelling on past financial mistakes can hinder progress, so it's important to focus on the present and future.

  • Embrace new challenges: Doing something scary can lead to personal growth and positive outcomes.

Remember, just like a good bottle of wine, the Wine and Dime Podcast gets better with time. So don't forget to rate and subscribe to our show, where we blend the flavors of wine and personal finance to help you achieve financial freedom!

If you have any questions that you would like answered on the show, feel free to email us at

Or visit us at for full show notes and links!

Discipline is Freedom: A Tip for Life

Kerrie Beene kicks off our discussion with a powerful tip that applies to all areas of life, including finances. She shares, "Discipline is freedom. It's a skill that you can apply to every area of your life." Carrie emphasizes the importance of not procrastinating and taking care of things upfront. By being disciplined, we can avoid piling up tasks and instead experience a sense of freedom and control. This tip is especially relevant when it comes to managing our finances and not ignoring important financial matters.

Start Small: Setting Yourself Up for Success

Liz Zemak builds on Carrie's tip by encouraging listeners to start small when implementing change. She advises, "Take little bite-sized amounts that you can handle. Start small and set yourself up for success." Liz highlights the significance of starting with achievable goals, even if it's just saving a small amount each week. By starting small and experiencing success, we can build discipline and gradually work towards bigger financial goals.

Reflecting on Joy: Setting Intentions for the Future

Becky Eason suggests using the end of the year as a reflection point to identify what brought you joy and how you can continue that into the next year. She explains, "Think about what you spent money on that brought you joy and what you're proud of." By reflecting on joyful experiences and spending habits, we can set ourselves up for continued happiness and make intentional choices that align with our values. This practice can be particularly valuable when setting financial goals and making spending decisions.

Life Happens: Embracing Change and Moving Forward

Kate Welker reminds us that life happens and that we should not dwell on past mistakes or missed opportunities. She shares, "Life happens. You can't change what you did, but let's make a plan to go forward." Kate emphasizes the importance of letting go of shame and regrets and instead focusing on creating a new perspective and setting new intentions. This tip is especially relevant for those who may have made financial mistakes in the past and need to shift their mindset to move forward.

Do Something Scary: Embracing Growth and Change

As the host of the podcast, I want to share my own tip for the new year: do something scary. I encourage listeners to step out of their comfort zones and embrace opportunities for growth and change. I share, "This year, we've been doing a lot of things that have made me lay in bed at night and worry, and you know what? The result has not been as scary as I made it." By taking risks and facing our fears, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and experiences. This tip can be applied to both our personal and financial lives, as it encourages us to challenge ourselves and pursue our goals with courage and determination.

Conclusion: Looking Ahead to Money Roots

As we wrap up this episode and the year, I want to express my gratitude to all our listeners and to TJ Meehan of Meehan Media for his invaluable support in producing the podcast. I am excited about the future of Money Roots and the opportunity to bring you even more engaging and informative content in 2024. We hope that these financial tips from our team will inspire you to make positive changes in your life and set yourself up for a successful and fulfilling year ahead. Cheers to a bright future and a prosperous 2024!

This episode is brought to you by Rooted Planning Group. Rooted Planning Group is a fee-only financial planning firm that specializes in working with women in their 30s and 40s who want to take control of their finances and plan for the future. Whether you're just starting out or you're looking to make a big change, Rooted Planning Group can help.

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