From NFL Player to Money Coach with Jedidiah Collins

Welcome to this edition of Wine and Dime with Amy Irvine. In this episode, I have the pleasure of chatting with Jedidiah Collins. Jed grew up in a household of three brothers and one sister. He then became an NFL player, and was traded 12-times during that journey. Luckily, it was early on in his career he realized that he needed to Pivot his Relationship with Money. This journey then led him to becoming a financial planner and attain his CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER Designation.

Jed and I share in the mission to get education into the high school systems! Jed has created a tool called “Your money vehicle” The first 10 questions to ask on their journey, it is a 10 week financial literacy course that contains 35 short videos.  

You’ll hear about the 30-day financial literacy challenge (30 NFL players) coming out in July.

This was an incredible conversation with someone who shares my passion about financial education and literacy. So sit on back, enjoy your favorite wine, and enjoy the show!

Download Jed Collins Rookie to Veteran Brochure below!


Jed Collier

Jed was born the fourth of five children in San Juan Capistrano, CA.

During his time in high school he experienced an Orange County Record 41 wins in a row at Mission Viejo High School.

During his time in college he enjoyed the challenges of being a student athlete as he pursued an Accounting Degree from Carson College of Business, Washington State University (Go Cougs!)

During his time in the National Football League (NFL), Jed went from Undrafted Free Agent to the top rated Fullback, while learning from a dozen different locker rooms along the way.

During his time studying for the Certification in Financial Planning (CFP), Jed became an expert in personal finances.

During his time as a writer, Jed has had articles published on and as well as publishing his first book – Your Money Vehicle and expecting his second Rookie to Veteran due in 2021

During his time as a presenter, Jed has delivered keynotes and facilitated workshops for Amazon, Microsoft, Sotheby’s, GlaskoSmithKline, NFL, MLB, and many Universities.


Financial education is now a necessary skill for survival.

Why empowerment and education? Because education without action fails! So, now what? Your parents likely didn’t face this issue, and you weren’t taught personal finance in school. Where are you supposed to learn how money works? More importantly, how to make money work for you?

On the verge of receiving your first paycheck or laying out your financial plan, you need to know what to do, what not to do, and where your money is supposed to go. Jedidiah Collins faced the same dilemma when he was handed his first paycheck as an NFL player. The idea of planning for his long-term financial security was the last thing on his mind.

In Your Money Vehicle, Jedidiah unwraps the complicated language of money into short, digestible stories that give you the clarity it took him years to find. You’ll walk through ten questions designed to start you on your financial journey and receive guidance on how to get started with cash management, taxes, investments, and more as you create your personal plan. You’ll walk away with the skills to make money work for you and help others do the same!




Good artists borrow, Great artists steal. In Rookie to Veteran we steal success each and every week!
We will approach each topic and guest with a beginners mind, the Rookie mindset. It will be our challenge to use what we learn to close the gap between where we stand today and the goals we have set for ourselves. This phantom gap is our potential.
After traveling through locker rooms in the NFL and hundreds of board room in business, I have come to realize what I do best is take from the best.
Come steal the behaviors of the best and Eliminate your Potential!!


D2 offers abundant dried cranberry and raspberry aromas surging from the glass, with intertwined darker fruits notes of cassis, blueberry, and blackberry. Delicately balanced oak influence contributes cocoa and coffee bean notes while remaining completely respectful of the fruit.  This appealing wine is vibrant and extraordinarily fresh on the palate, with persistent fruit flavors of pomegranate and blueberry. Understated and subtle tannin provides welcome structure, while excellent early integration offers accessibility, generosity and abundant pleasure despite the wine’s youth.

Prejean Winery
Featured Finger Lakes Winery

Prejean Winery grows grape varieties that originated in Europe: Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Riesling, Gewurztraminer, Chardonnay. Europe, and generally the French model, was the foundation of the modern wine industry. The regions defined the wines. Bordeaux and Burgundy and Champagne are regions, as well as wines. Each of these regions has grapes that are indigenous to these regions. Bordeaux, for example, grows Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet France, Petite Verdot and Malbec and the wines of Bordeaux are blends, in varying amounts, of these grape varietals. This is the tradition that has been handed down, in some case, for almost a thousand years. But the New World locations had no such history or wine regions – they were blank slates. Chardonnay and Cabernet Sauvignon are planted throughout every major wine region and in some cases have become commodities.

The Finger Lakes, while being an older (New World) region in many ways, is also quite young, too young to have a regional identity tied to specific grapes. But the pioneers of the Finger Lakes wine region had the European example and the most exportable aspect was the varietal. The varietal became the focal point, rather that the region.

Book Mentioned:

He started his journey in Barnes and Noble and purchased Rich Dad, Poor Dad - by Robert Kiyosaki -


The Seneca Lake Wine Trail