Wine and Dime Episode 17 - Mental Health Stigma with Raquel Hinman


Raquel Hinman

Facebook:  @hinmanfp
Twitter:  @raquelhinman

In this episode of Wine and Dime, I chat with Raquel Hinman of Hinman Financial Planning.  Her practice is best described as... well, I'll let you tell her herself... 

"At Hinman Financial Planning, Inc., I strive to help busy individuals and families who are committed to creating better financial lives for themselves.  By blending the art and science of financial planning with low-cost, diversified portfolios, we move beyond crunching numbers to connect your money with your values."

The Wine... Or in this case, the Tequila!!

DeLeón® Tequila

P Diddy's Tequila

P Diddy's Tequila

Made from the finest 100% Highland Blue Weber agave sourced from the rich earth of the Los Altos region of Jalisco. DeLeón® achieves astonishing depth of flavor in just two distillations – allowing the tequila to retain the unique character acquired during the fermentation process. Our master distiller artfully cuts the beginning and end of the distillation, allowing only the absolute best portion, or Corazon, to find its way into every bottle, creating a subtle taste profile with unrivaled smoothness.

Displayed in a stunning bespoke bottle made from highest-quality fragrance-grade glass and boldly tattooed with the distinguishing mark of DeLeón®, each expression in the ultra-premium and luxury collections is strikingly defined.


01:59 - Favorite Wine and Why?
    Tequilla, Dark Beer, and then Wine

    Dark Beer - Vanilla Stout
                     - Sweet Potato Stout

03:30 - Who is Raquel Hinman?

05:55 - Mental Health Partners Board information?

12:10 - What the organization does for people with mental health problems?

15:50 - How does serving on the board help in your financial planning practice?

18:45 - What do you find rewarding about serving for a cheritable organization?

21:20 - Raquel talks about her own firm and what led her to starting her own business

24:00 - Chatting about the clients and how they helped them achieve goals.

26:00 - Drawing parelles between mental health and financial wellness.

27:00 - State of Health Care in the United States.

28:40 - How health care affects your financial plan.

31:00 - Chat about the study group.

32:00 - My 7 years on this board has boiled down to "X"...

34:15 - Where can listeners find more information on mental health?

36:00 - How do you know the signs of mental health illness?

39:00 - Were you included in any money conversations as a child?

40:20 - Money Mistakes?

41:00 - What are your biggest financial concerns?

42:00 - Best and worst financial advice you ever recieved?

43:40 - Favorite Tequila?  Puff Daddy Tequila, Silver Tequila.

45:15 - What's your defination of success?

46:50 - What feeds your soul?

48:30 - What is the one piece of advice that you can give to the listeners?

50:20 - What food pairing do you like with you tequila?


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