Asking for a Friend - Should I be contributing to a 401K, HSA, Roth, or a brokerage account? Should I focus on pre-tax or after-tax?

February 14, 2022

Q. I have FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)!  Should I be contributing to a 401K, HSA, Roth, or a brokerage account?  Should I focus on pre-tax or after-tax?

A. This is a loaded question, but an excellent one! 

  • Often when we start working with new clients, we see that they are tax-deferred “heavy.” Meaning, they have been saving diligently into their 401k or traditional IRA accounts, but have very little saved in other account types.

  • When we talk about diversification, we are not just talking about asset class diversification, but also the type of accounts you are saving in. 

  • The ideal mix is to have ⅓ in pre-tax, ⅓ in taxable (brokerage), and ⅓ in tax-free (i.e., Roth IRA).  Some of today’s 401k / 403b / 457 plans do make it a little easier to get the tax-free side boosted by offering a Roth component, but not all of them are structured that way.

  • The best type of account for you is dependent on how much you can save, your current tax bracket, and your potential future tax bracket.  Review our “What Accounts Should I Consider if I want to Save More?” guide to help you decide what might be the right mix for you.

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