Asking for a Friend - We lost my dad about a year ago and I’m starting to see my mom making some unusual spending decisions. Any suggestions?
November 28, 2022
Question: We lost my dad about a year ago and I’m starting to see my mom making some unusual spending decisions. I know she is still significantly grieving, and I am trying to be there for her, but I don’t know what to do. Any suggestions?
Answer: We are so sorry for your loss. I know you’ve likely heard that a number of times over the past year. While we are not experts when it comes to the grieving process, we certainly have witnessed a fair share of it.
A couple of thoughts come to mind:
If her spending decisions are going to unusual sources, it’s important to make sure your mom is not falling victim to any fraudulent activity. We know it’s hard to bring this up, but it’s best to ask her if she’s heard about the most recent fraudulent tactics.
If she’s spending more on family members, it may be that it makes her feel good to give. As long as it isn’t at the cost of her financial wellbeing then perhaps let it go.
If it is charitable giving to the community, it may be her way of getting involved.
We would highly recommend that you explore a couple of the following resources too - these folks are the experts when dealing with grief:
Do your friends ask you financial questions?
Pass those questions on to us at and we will feature them in our future newsletters.